How to Migrate Your Website to Cloud Web Hosting in 5 Easy Steps


Transferring your website on a cloud server may feel like a hard task, but if it is done by following the easy steps, it is an easy process. Cloud based web servers provide many advantages, such as improving scalability, better performance and enhanced reliability etc.. If you are reading to go your website to the next level, then follow these 5 easy steps for transferring your website on Cloud based web hosting.   

Step 1: Choose a right cloud web hosting provider: 

First step of migrating your website to a cloud server is choosing the right cloud server provider. There are many options for choosing a server, any provider offers different benefits and costs. You should choose a reliable hosting provider, which can complete your hosting needs. We below mentioned some important factors to choosing cloud hosting.   

Performance: For a better uptime and speed, choose a server provider, whose background is strong. 

Scalability: Ensure that provider can handle your future growth without any change or extra cost.  

Support:  Always choose such a provider which gives you 24/7 support through phone, mails and chatting.

Pricing: You should differentiate the price between the providers, but you should go with any cheap hosting server, but ensure that which provider can provide you the satisfactory services at a lower price. 

Step 2:  Take full backup of your website:  

Take full backup of your website or application before any changes. This is a very important step, because this ensures that any types of mistakes during the migration process have a backup available. Maximum server provider takes the regular backup of your website. You can also use a third party to take a backup. Ensure that you have taken full backup of all your websites, database and configuration.

Step 3: Set your cloud based server: 

When you choose your cloud web hosting provider, then it comes time to set your cloud based server. Included in this process, create an account with your selected provider and  your server configuration for completing your website related needs. Many hosting providers offer one click installation of website development tools such as wordpress, from this the set process makes it easy.   

For following, here has been provided some easy steps:

Create an account:  Sign up an account with your selected provider. 

Choose a server: Set the server's type and size, which is a perfect match according to your requirements. 

Install the important softwares: You may need to install your preferred software or application according to your requirements. Many hosting providers provide the automatic script to make this process easy.   

Step 4: Transfer your website and database:

Now when your cloud server set up has completed, you will need to transfer your files and database. Including in this step, uploading your site content on the new server and ensuring that all server configuration is fine.    

Upload the files: Use the FTP client for uploading your files on the new server. Ensure that all the directories and files have been transferred the right way. 

Migrate the database: Export your database from the previous server, and import on the new cloud server. Most hosting providers provide the tools for making this process, such as phpMyAdmin for MySQL.  

Update configuration: Adjust configuration files like wp-config.php for WordPress to match your new database settings.

5 step: Test your website and update your DNS settings: 

The last step is full testing of your website on the new server. Check all the pages, forms and functionalities, so that it can ensure all the processes are completed in the right way. 

Test your website:  For ensuring this, your website is loading smoothly and all the process is fine according to your needs, navigate to your website. 

Update your DNS setting: When you fully ensure that all the process is wording fine according to your expectations, then update your dns setting to point to your new server. You may consume some time for completing this process, but when you complete this process your website will live on a cloud server.


Your website's scalability, performance and reliability may improve after transferring on the cloud server. Following these easy five steps, choosing the right provider, taking the back of your website or application, setting up your cloud based server, transferring your files and testing everything, you can smoothly work on a cloud server.


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